Monday, March 11, 2013

stompin' tom.

"Hello friends, I want all my fans, past, present, or future, to know that without you, there would have not been any Stompin' Tom.

It was a long hard bumpy road, but this great country kept me inspired with it's beauty, character, and spirit, driving me to keep marching on and devoted to sing about its people and places that make Canada the greatest country in the world.

I must now pass the torch, to all of you, to help keep the Maple Leaf flying high, and be the Patriot Canada needs now and in the future.

I humbly thank you all, one last time, for allowing me in your homes, I hope I continue to bring a little bit of cheer into your lives from the work I have done.

Your Friend always,
Stompin' Tom Connors"
February 9, 1936 – March 6, 2013

A classic.

Friday, March 8, 2013

less difficult.

-George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans), Middlemarch

Although it may not be realistic, I think there is some vaid truth to the question.  I've never really read any "classics"... I should try to read this one sometime.  Along with some Jane Austen.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

who i am.

Found another blog to procrastinate with.  It's kind of funny how sometimes you can see a statement, no matter how fluffy or brutally honest, and just think "and that's who I am." 

Overall things are better, but there are still some not great days.  Progress..?

Friday, March 1, 2013


Feeling very scattered & overwhelmed right now.  So much is in going on, and I can't seem to focus on anything.  School deadlines, job applications, mentorship applications, funding applications, conference research & logistics, budgets, personal planning... It's all amazing opportunity, and I am truly grateful, it's just a lot right now.

And yet here I am blogging.  Need to re-centre & focus (again..?).