Monday, July 22, 2013


Spent Saturday enjoying more of the absolutely beautiful summer we've been having, and knocked off another hike from my "to-do" list: Garibaldi Lake.

It was great to go early and beat some of the crowds - got to have a relaxing lunch & spend time just enjoying the environment & view.  And we actually pushed ourselves to not only swim in the lake, but swim to a mini-rock island haha.

Another great day spent with excellent company, enjoying beautiful British Columbia :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


There's been a lot going around online about this "controversial" Cheerios commercial.  Being from an interracial family and unfortunately having experienced discrimination first-hand - both with & without negative intent - this kind of issue really hits me hard. 

But the statements from the children also give me hope - "You are you."

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Had a lovely summer evening with friends last night.  After fighting some transit delays, we made it to the Khatsalano Music & Arts Festival.  Saw a few shows, with our favourites being WillHorse (the hair!) & Good for Grapes (happiest accordion player I've ever seen in my life).  Then just enjoyed "owning the city" and walking down the middle of 4th Ave.  Oh, and trying a "screamer," which was a drink layered with soft-serve ice cream, lemonade slushee, and then more ice cream.  Surprisingly delicious!

Then due to more transit delays, we decided to walk across the Burrard Street bridge (my first time!) and enjoy this absolutely gorgeous view.  Good job, Vancouver.  Your evenings are the best :)

Finally, we capped off the night checking out the Comedy Mix, another first.  One of my friend's favourite comedians, Graham Clark, was headlining, and it ended up being a really fun experience.  Would definitely want to go back sometime.

We hadn't gotten to get together in a little while with our busy summer schedules, so this was a perfect way to catch-up & chill :)  Another beautiful Saturday, full of firsts. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

chilliwack lake.

Natural cooler :)

Spent last weekend at Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park with my sister.  We were lucky enough to get one of the last 10 spots, with beautiful tree cover & beside some pretty chill fishermen.  It'd been too long since we'd gone camping together - it was a perfect way to re-centre before a busy 2 months.

Family, campfire, forest, lake, sand, beer, stars.  Bliss.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

lovely weekend.

What an absolutely lovely weekend.

A wonderful day full of love & laughter celebrating the wedding of one of my best friends, for whom I truly couldn't be happier :)  Followed up with a chill & sunny Sunday.  Then an exploratory Canada Day, with Canadian Eh? pizza, berry picking, and BBQ battles with some of my favourite people.  And now we have a new indie band name - these are the moments I'll remember :)