Wednesday, September 11, 2013


So so true.  Really liked this article I came across, talking about those times when you just feel like you're just given too much & you can't handle it. 

I've often felt that sometimes life can just feel overwhelming, and it can be difficult to understand why certain events in my life happen, or why I meet the people I do.  I know that I sometimes find it hard to have faith in the plans God has for me.  But I think for me, faith is partly shown through the people I meet, the situations we meet through, and how we influence & support one another.  I just don’t know if words can ever express how blessed I feel, to have some of the people in my life that I do... or even did.  It's all contributed.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

fintry etc.

Spent a long weekend away at Fintry Provincial Park, just north of Kelowna.  One of the most randomly planned camping trips I've had haha - we stayed in a yurt, with our site just along Lake Okanagan :)  It was wonderful to get away with close friends - a trip of new camping experiences, "quick walks" before lunch, floating in the lake, good food, & lots of laughter :)

Been spending time this long weekend also with lovely with friends & family, whilst tearing apart my apartment.  Summer has been so busy, so I haven't had much "catch-up" time to take care of my own personal projects.  Cleaning/purging/organizing helps me feel much more in control of my life for some reason, so it feels good to take this weekend to chill & get these things taken care of before the school year gets going again.

This summer has been so good to me - more moments I'll remember.